On 18th January, 15 of Tremco CPG’s Singapore associates volunteered their time to help out with soup kitchen duties at the city-state’s cherished Willing Hearts Centre.
Willing Hearts is a non-affiliated charity that is largely run by volunteers, aside from a handful of staff. It operates an industrial sized kitchen that prepares, cooks, and distributes approximately 11,000 daily meals to over 70 locations island wide, 365 days a year. Beneficiaries include the elderly, the disabled, low-income families, children from single parent families or otherwise poverty-stricken families, and migrant workers in Singapore.
Upon arrival, individuals were divided into different groups to carry out various duties. Some were sorting and packing donated frozen food items, while others were working the food line to pack meals for next day deliveries. Some Tremco CPG team members were also tasked to descale, wash, and slice fish as part of the cooking preparations, and the last group of volunteers loaded clothes, toys, and books into trucks for donation to rural areas of Indonesia.
Team leader and organiser for the event, Selynn Chew, explains: “For many of us, this was an eye-opening experience. The work was hard and tiring but very fulfilling, and I have newfound appreciation for the regular volunteers.”
In the end, the team managed to pack over 5,000 meals in three hours for distribution to needy families across Singapore. In addition, Tremco CPG Asia Pacific made a donation of SGD3,000 (roughly USD2,300) to further support the charity which equates to approximately 1,500 meals.
“I’m very proud of our team for their selflessness and generosity”, said Chong Hwee Ling, Senior Finance Director of CPG APAC.
“This was an incredibly meaningful way to start Chinese New Year events and usher in the Year of the Rabbit, as well as a timely reminder of our shared social responsibility towards the community.”